Young Seo

Meet Young Seo

How did you learn about PDXWIT and what keeps you coming back?

I had just moved to Portland almost 3 years ago and was looking for a job when PDXWIT hosted a technical interview study session. I found it helpful, and I really liked going to a tech event that wasn't just about networking—I can be shy at times. The PDXWIT programming is awesome and the people are amazing. I've met some great people here, and we've had meaningful conversations on life, career, and how to advocate for and be the change we need at our workplaces. Just having the space for these kinds of conversations and this sense of community, which somehow feels even stronger now in the midst of going all virtual during the pandemic, are what keeps me coming back. 

Can you give us some background on your career in tech? Did you intend this career path?

I studied Computer Science in college and my interest in security led me to my first job at a security company. There I worked on quite a few different projects and learned a few different skills, one of which was testing and automation. I ended up pursuing that full time when I moved here, and now I'm currently a senior QA engineer at Kinsa. I don't think I ever even thought about a career until a few years ago. I had always worked in hospitality in college and was too busy thinking about climbing (I started climbing in college and it kind of consumed my life then). I want to continue to learn and grow and have a positive impact. Whether that's in tech or not, I am still trying to figure it out. 

Why do you like doing what you do?

I am pretty organized and detail-oriented, and there are a lot of areas for me to make sure things are good but also make better. I like to consider functional and non-functional requirements, add processes, and break down unnecessary communication barriers. In a way, it feels like I'm organizing all the time which I weirdly really like doing. I also have a great team which helps everything. 

Is there anything that keeps you up at night?

The news! Election, pandemic, natural disasters, climate change, all the systemic injustice and inequities, and more . . . I am kind of in a bubble in that all of my family, friends, and coworkers share the same views as me, and I have been very fortunate to have steady income and good health throughout this year. But I still care very much about what's been happening outside of this bubble, and I'm honestly so ready for change and healing.