Meet Kristina King

What called you to volunteer with PDXWIT?

PDXWIT’s cofounder Megan got hired as my boss back in 2014. I wasn’t familiar with the organization at that point, but after working with her for a couple months, I started attending events. When I saw the volunteer opportunity arise for copy editing, it felt like the stars aligned. I used to be an English teacher and really missed correcting papers. 😂 I had recently found my economic footing due to working in tech, and knowing how that greatly improved my life, I wanted to do what I could to help other women find their way.

What is your day job and/or another passion of yours (besides PDXWIT)?

I work as Director of Global Support at Maxon. I say it’s my dream job because I get to work with excellent people across the world; manage a team of creative, empathetic nerds; and ultimately, support artists and filmmakers using our products. My favorite hobby is amateur filmmaking, so it’s a solid combination of professional & personal interest.

What has been your favorite PDXWIT project, initiative, or event you have participated in as a volunteer? Why?

There is so much good stuff! I would say that the long-standing tradition of the lightning talk at happy hours is my favorite. I gave a couple lightning talks a few years ago, and the impact on my confidence was major. I have since watched other friends and colleagues give lightning talks, and the energy you feel for them and from them is unreal. Giving a talk is anxiety-inducing and terrifying, but also thrilling and boosting. I highly recommend both giving a talk and cheerleading others along the way.

What is something people may not know or expect about you?

I used to be quite shy, like, never-talk-to-strangers-shy. Substitute teaching certainly helped bring me out of my shell, but the opportunities to give lightning talks and host events for PDXWIT events really pulled me out!